What is an edible food garden and why are they important?
An edible garden is a school yard that has a garden in it. It can be as elaborate or as simple as is necessary. It can start out small and grow into a huge project. Whatever it is, it can also be a part of the curriculum of a school. The most famous project in North America is the Edible school yard in Berkley California. This was a project begun by Alice Waters and her Chez Panisse Foundation. Alice Waters is a famous restaurateur in the states. Check out their website for more details and amazing information about their project at http://www.edibleschoolyard.org/
The whole idea of the edible school yard is to incorporate the garden with the school curriculum. There is nothing that a student cannot learn from being in a garden. Students can learn basic reading, writing and math by participating in school gardens. They can learn science and biology, food science and nutrition, they can learn by doing. They can learn about the environment and where their food comes from. They can learn respect for food, for themselves, others and community.
In an age where obesity is epidemic in our society, hand on learning in a school garden can teach students about healthy eating and healthy respect for healthy food. It can teach children about respect for the environment and sustainability. We have lost the ability to know about where our food comes from and how far it travels to reach our plates. Ask an urban child today where their food comes from and they might well respond, “supermarket” . School gardens are about being able to reconnect students with their foods and thus their environment.
I love this idea, Liz! Kids should know more about where their food comes from!! Good luck with this!!
Check this link on my company's website for some articles and research on why school gardens are important. The benefits are tremendous. http://www.teichgardensystems.com/School-Garden-Research.html