Educational landscapes provide a forum for science and environmental education.
Planting trees help shade students from UVB rays and the elements in yards otherwise devoid of shelter.
Green school yards encourage direct interaction with the natural world.
School gardens and green spaces can provide educational experiences in a wide range of subjects. There is nothing that cannot be learnt from being in a garden. Hands on experiential learning is useful for students who find it hard to sit in classes. Curriculum can be based around learning in an outdoor classroom.
Interdisciplinary learning is a method of teaching that brings students into a new awareness of the meaningful connections that exist among the disciplines. Research suggests that this form of teaching can increase student’s motivation for learning and active engagement in learning.
Research suggests that outdoor time can help in the therapy for students with ADD. Children who spend more time outdoors are better adjusted to schoolwork.
Gardens and green school yards can help promote a sense of community and ownership in the school.
There is a strong correlation between experiences in the natural world and children’s ability to learn. Apart from time spent doing physical activity, promoting health.
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